Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues is an upcoming 2009 video game, developed by Traveller's Tales and published by LucasArts. It will be the sequel to the 2008 game, Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. The game allows gamers to play take on all four cinematic adventures,"[3] including the latest film in the franchise, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which was not included in the previous game. Gameplay will consist of the same drop in/out co-op play which has become a staple of the Lego series. As of yet, there have been two new features announced for the game. The game will include a level creator where players can create their own levels and objects, and the 2 player co-op mode will now be played in split-screen.
The game also includes the original 3 movies with ALL-new levels, so there is no recycled content from the original game. The game was rumored to have a sprint mode, talking, and faster tagging. This game was also told to have PSP remote play on the PlayStation 3 version also along with trophy support. The game will be released November 17, 2009.
It has been announced that Indiana Jones’s whip will have new abilities in this sequel. Some new moves include Indy being able to lasso enemies with his whip, and then throw the opponent over his shoulder and carry him or her around.
1. Extract iso with winrar or 7-zip
2. mount iso in daemon tools, alcohol 120 or poweriso
3. install the game
4. play and enjoy
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